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ecoEnergy Assessment

The purpose of the ecoENERGY Retrofit - Homes program is to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Canada's existing housing sector. An ecoEnergy Assessment is a simple and effective way to find out how much energy your home uses and how you can make it more energy efficient.

To start the process the advisor starts a comprehensive energy assessment. He or she will look for ways energy escapes your home and for inefficient uses of existing energy. Using a Blower Door to depressurize your home the advisor will conduct a series of tests to find out what you can do to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Once our OVEC advisor has completed your assessment, you will receive an in-depth report that outlines a list of recommended upgrades and improvements that will improve the energy efficiency of your home. You will also receive an EnerGuide rating that shows the energy efficiency of your home as it stands today without improvements in comparison to other like homes in Canada.